Corporate Event Sponsorship
Your sponsorship is critical to the success of the special exhibits and events at the Sandwich Glass Museum. As a non-profit with no municipal funding we rely heavily on the generosity and engagement of the community we strive to serve.
The Sandwich Glass Museum is a contemporary studio glass art gallery and town history museum that simultaneously seeks to foster contemporary glass art while preserving, interpreting and celebrating the unique contribution of the glass industry our local community.
Platinum Sponsor $10,000+
- Complimentary Glass Experience for four
- Recognition, including logo, in digital media promotions related to the event
- Business logo display on SGM website on event related pages
- Full page ad in related media
- Recognition in SGM Members’ publication The Cullet and exhibition catalog
- Six Complimentary passes to the Museum
Gold Sponsor $7,500
- Complimentary Glass Experience for two
- Recognition, including logo, in digital media promotions related to the event
- Business logo display on SGM website on event related pages
- Half page ad in related media
- Recognition in SGM Members' publication The Cullet and exhibition catalog
- Four Complimentary passes to the Museum
Silver Sponsor $5,000
- Recognition, including logo, in digital media promotions related to the event
- Business logo display on SGM website on event related pages
- Recognition in SGM Members' publication The Cullet
- Two Complimentary passes to the Museum